Agricultural Advisor, Strategic Analyst& Independent Consultantwith focus areas and services:Juventis / Juventis GeneTradeCustomer Specific Genetic Selections & SolutionsPig Breeding & Genetic Consultationsalso:Supply Chain ManagementOptimization StudiesBusiness & Strategic PlansScenario Planning
About Juventis
Using three pig breeds in a terminal crossbreeding systemThe commercial pig producer must decide where to buy his breeding stock and what his replacement rate per year will be. The latter is necessary in order to maintain the most efficient age structure in the herd. The F1 gilts benefit from the fact that they are hybrid and as a rule outperform the average performance of the two pure breeds/genotypes, particularly with regard to maternal traits. The introduction of a third pig breed (pure or composite) and thus a terminal sire line in this breeding programme enhances the further exploitation of heterosis. This pig breeding plan is most commonly practiced in South Africa and probably worldwide. However from a practical point of view the following aspects require consideration: The need to budget well and accurately in order to receive and pay for the supply of replacement stock at regular intervals.The introduction of breeding stock from outside increases the health risk in the pig herd and could also lead to additional problems. Special attention should be paid to bio-security and health.In essence the genetic supplier of pigs, provides the ingredients (F1- gilts/motherline semen and terminal semen), the management and nutritional guidelines, protocols and back-up service, and the commercial pig producer follows the recipe to produce lean pork meat.Excerpt from: Modern Pig Production
Danie Visser Pr.Sci.NatDanieVisserhasobtainedaBScAgric&BSCAgric(Hons),DiplomainFarmBusiness Management,MBA,MScAgric&PhdinAgriculturalEconomics(Structuringofbreeding objectivesintheporksupplychain(PhDstudy).Since1985hehasbeeninvolvedin almostallfacetsofagriculture,namely:fromextension,training,research,involvement atuniversitiesandagriculturalcolleges,mentorship,co-ordinationoftwonational projects/schemes,businessdevelopment,optimizationstudies,geneticevaluationsinpig breeding,strategicandbusinessplans,consultations,localandinternationalnetworking, implementationofnewtechnologies,computerprograms,registrationoftrademarks, marketing, market surveys, to managing director of a large pig breeding company in SA.Daniehaswrittenmorethan90popular,shortandscientificarticles,madechapter contributionsinsevenbooksandmanualspertainingtoLivestockProductionandhas writtentwobooksonPigProduction.Hispopularbook,ModernPigProduction,was released during October 2014. It is a comprehensive handbook for the pig industry.DanieservesinteraliaonSAPPO’sresearchcommittee,isinvolvedinpostgraduate studiesattheUniversityofPretoriaandfurthermoreconsultsonpigbreeding,business optimization, strategic management, supply chain management and real estate. Daniewasafoundermemberofthepigbreederscompany- AllianceGeneticsSouth Africa (Pty)Ltd,andisactivelyinvolvedinscientificandpracticalpigbreedinginSouthAfrica. Throughhisinvolvement,qualitybreedingpigswereexportedtopigbreedersinTanzania, Ghana,Angola,Zimbabwe,ZambiaandTheSeychellesduring2016/2017andthe1sttwo pigexportstoNigeriain2019.FocusingmainlyontheDuroc,LandraceandLargeWhite pig breeds (as well as F1 breeding animals) originating from South Africa.
Soli Deo Gloria!
Pig breeding inter alia, “ implies the application of genetic principles and methodology to extend the production capacity of animals.”Principles of Genetic Improvement and SelectionLivestockbreedingoperationsusuallyfollowtheclassicalpyramidstructurewheretheprovidersofparentstockoccupytheapexfromwhere thebreedingstockflowthroughoneortwolayersofmultipliers.Judiciousperformancetestingandmoderngeneticevaluationmethodswill optimizegeneticprogressandensuresustainablegeneticprogressinalltheotherlayers.Theentranceoflargebreedingcompanieshasnot changedthisbasicstructuresincetheystilloperatetheirlinedevelopmentandthecrossingofmaternalandterminallineswithinthis structure.Itisimportantthatthebreedingobjectivesinnucleusherdsaccuratelyaddresstheneeds(productiontargets)ofcommercialproducers. MorethaneverinthehistoryofpigbreedingthehealthstatusatthenucleusherdsandAIstationsareparamount.Theconceptofbio-securityandhighhealthhavemigratedsuccessfullydowntheotherlayersofthebreedingpyramidandareequallyimportantandmanifested inter alia in high health compartments. Source: Modern Pig Production
“I also embrace Peter’s (Peter Drucker) wider vision of people from all walks of life - and faiths - working together to protect the world from tyranny by being good, honest, industrious contributors as parents, neighbours, workers, and leaders.”- Bob Buford
The Legacy Still ContinuesThe core functionality and philosophy of AGSA, also continue in Juventis, namely: adding value, unlocking the production and genetic potential of pigs, pig breeding/pig farming consultancy, the sourcing of quality genetics and rendering a personalized service to our customers.
JUVENTIS/JUVENTIS GeneTradefocuses on specific pig breeding and genetic selections, business consultations and gene sourcing in South Africa with the emphasis on the uniqueness of each customer and his/her pig farm/pig enterprise. Juventis concentrates on South Africa’s prominent pig breeds, F1 breeding animals as well as grower pigs.Through careful planning & attention to detail, in close collaboration with each customer, we endevour to increaseprofitability&unlock thegeneticpotentialofour customers’ enterprises.
Exporting quality breeding pigs and other livestock into Africa and abroad
For Inland Customer Specific Genetic Selections & Solutions
Juventis®Business Consultations & ClientsKanhym EstatesMockford FarmsTaaibosch GeneticsBenson GroupNiemen StudSweetwell StudThe Cheese AcadamyPig Breeders SocietySAPPOThe Meat Shop on LincolnBelhuit StudB & S BoerderyUp One FarmingDSMSeychelles Agri PICASSO HeadlineE.C. PorkVan Heyst VerkoelingPrevious Positions:CEO of TOPIGS SAProgram Manager: ARC: Pig and Poultry Performance Testing SchemesWe are passionate about excellence in pig breeding!