USING THREE BREEDS (TERMINAL CROSS)“Thecommercialpigproducermustdecidewheretobuyhisbreedingstockandwhathisreplacementrateperyearwillbe.Thelatteris necessaryinordertomaintainthemostefficientagestructureintheherd.Theadvantageofthissystemliesinitssimplicity.TheF1gilts benefitfromthefactthattheyarehybridandasaruleoutperformpurebredsparticularlywithregardtomaternaltraits.Theintroductionofa thirdpigbreedandterminalsirelineinthisbreedingprogrammeenhancesthefurtherexploitationofheterosis.Thisbreedingplanismost commonlypracticedinSouthAfricaandprobablyworldwide.Howeverfromapracticalpointofviewthefollowingaspectsrequire consideration:•The need to budget well and accurately in order to receive and pay for the supply of replacement stock at regular intervals.•Theintroductionofbreedingstockfromoutsideincreasesthehealthriskintheherdandcouldalsoleadtoadditionalproblems.Special attention should be paid to bio-security and health.Inessencethegeneticsupplierprovidestheingredients(F1-giltsandterminalsemen),themanagementandnutritionalguidelines,protocols and back-up service, and the commercial producer follows the recipe to produce lean pork meat.”Excerpt: Modern Pig Production
Large White Pig Breed in South Africa
Landrace Pig Breed in South Africa
Duroc Pig Breed in South Africa
•“The Duroc pig breed produces meat of a higher quality than most of the other pig breeds.•Durocs pigs are known to be a superior genetic source for improving eating qualities of pork.•Theiradvantageinmusclequalitycombinedwiththeirwell-establishedabilitytogrowfast,havepositionedtheDurocpigbreedasan outstanding terminal sire of choice.•Because of the marbling or intramuscular fat, the meat has more taste and is more tender.•The Japanese and Asian markets have for many years put a high premium on the quality of Duroc meat.•The meat is slightly darker in colour and has a slightly higher pH.•The back fat is marginally higher as well.•Pork with 50% or more Duroc genes in the end product, is regarded as an excellent meat for the production of bacon.•Also,becauseofitsversatility,itsuseinfreshmeatproductionisprovingtobeextremelypopular-frombaconandsalamitosausageand fine cuisine.•The Duroc’s drip loss and cook loss is low when compared to commodity genetics.•Many European countries have tried other rare breeds but these animals did not have the same effect on meat quality.•Moreover, the carcass of the Duroc pig breed yields a higher amount of consumable protein.”- Mr Hennie Cronjé / Excerpt - FootPrints of Alliance Genetics South Africa / Volume 2
•TheSouth AfricanLandracepigbreed,astheircounterpartsinothercontinentsoftheworld,isalsorenownedasafoundationmotherpig breed.•With high fertility rates the South African Landrace pig breed can produce these days easily up to 18 - 21 piglets born alive, per litter.•The South African Landrace sows are renowned for their femininity, docility, milkability and mothering ability.•This pig breed (South African Landrace pig breed) is moderate performers in terms of production and growth rates.•They(SouthAfricanLandracepigbreed)arecapableofproducingconsistentlargelittersovertheirlifetime-sometimesupto10-12 litters.
•TheLargeWhitepigbreed,originatinginEngland,withasturdybalancedandappealingappearance,hasdevelopedintothemost prominent purebred pig breed in South Africa and is also the leading pig breed in the world. •TheYorkshirebreedsintheUSAandCanadaaswellastheChesterWhitepigbreedarealldesendantsoftheoriginalLargeWhitepig breed. •TheLargeWhitepigbreedisregardedastheultimatedualpurposeanimal,butisalsotheotherfoundationpigbreedfortheproduction of the classical F1-crossbred sow.•They(theLargeWhitepigbreed)producelargehealthylitters,aregoodandprotectivemothersandproduceoffspringwithgreat performance in terms of growth rate and feed efficiency.•The Large White pig breed can, just as the Landrace pig breed, produce up to 18 - 20 piglets born alive, per litter.
Juventis/Juventis GeneTrade focuses on the genetic selection of high quality breeding animals from the Duroc, Landrace and Large White pig breeds (as well as F1 breeding animals) in South Africa.